本书为其中之一的《油田开发英语》分册。 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10385.html
1 Elements of Petroleum Reservoir
1.1 Permeability
1.2 Connate Water Saturation
1.3 Fluid Content of the Reservoir
1.4 Definition and Causes of Wettability
1.5 Determination of Wettability by Contact Angle Method
1.6 Determination of Wettability by Relative Permeability Method
1.7 Two-phase Relative Permeability
1.8 Three-phase Relative Permeability
1.9 Effects of Saturation States on Permeability
1.10 Effects of Temperature on Permeability
1.11 Reservoir Heterogeneity
1.12 Types of Reservoir Heterogeneities
1.13 Classification and Definition of Fracture
1.14 Wettability Influenee on Multiphase Flow
1.15 Gas and Condensate Reservoirs
2 Reservoir Engineering
2.1 Derivation of Material Balance Equation
2.2 Features of Material Balance Equation
2.3 The Material Balance Expressed as a Linear Equation
2.4 The Material Balance of Gascap Drive
2.5 Natural Water Drive
2.6 Natural Water Influx
2.7 Factors Affecting Waterflood Oil Recovery Performance
2.8 Practical Use of Waterflood Prediction Methods
2.9 Historical Development of Waterflooding
2.10 Improve Waterflooding
2.11 Conditions of Solution of the Basic Radial Flow Differential Equation
2.12 The Constant Terminal Rate Solution of the Radial Diffusivity Equation
2.13 Well Stimulation
3 Oiifield Development
3.1 Reservoir Production Mechanisms
3.2 Water Drive
3.3 Solution Gas Drive
3.4 Gas Cap Drive and Gravity Drainage
3.5 Secondary Recovery
3.6 Flood Patterns
3.7 Compaction Drive
3.8 Displacement Efficiency
3.9 Water Tonguing and Viscous Fingering
3.10 Advantages and Limitations of Pilot Floods
3.11 Estimating Drainage Volume
3.12 Average Reservoir Pressure
3.13 Factors Affecting Selection of Waterflood Pattern
3.14 Production Mechanism of a Fractured Reservoir
4 Improved Recovery
4.1 Methods of Improving Oil Recovery
4.2 Polymer Flc~xiing
4.3 Caustic Flooding
4.4 Miscible Hydrocarbon Displacement
4.5 Miscible Displacement
4.6 Carbon Dioxide Injection
4.7 Favorable Reservoir Properties
4.8 Steam Stimulation
4.9 Steam Flooding
4.10 The Main Advantage and Disadvantage of Steam Flooding
4.11 In Situ Combustion
4.12 The Disadvantages of the In Situ Combustion
4.13 Oil Displacement
4.14 Oil Production
4.15 Pilot Tests
4.16 Overview of Conventional Oil-Recovery Methods
5 Completion and Flowing
5.1 Completion Interval
5.2 Effects of Reservoir Characteristics on Well Completions (1)
5.3 Effects of Reservoir Characteristics on Well Completions (2)
5.4 Effect of Gas on the Shape of IPR
5.5 Determination of IPR
5.6 Flow Regimes in Vertical Two-phase Flow
5.7 Multiphase Flow Correlations
5.8 The Flowing Well
5.9 Calculation Analysis in the Flowing Well
5.10 Effects of Changes in Choke Size on Froduction
5.11 The Heading Cycle
6 Rod Systems
6.1 The Beam Pumping System
6.2 The Advantages of Tubing Pumps and Insert Pumps
6.3 The Pumping Cycle
6.4 Plunger Travel
6.5 Valve Action
6.6 Selection of Pump
6.7 Calculation of the Rod Stretch
6.8 Effect of Free Gas on Pump Efficiency
6.9 Volumetric Efficiency
6.10 Design of the Rod Strings
6.11 Design of Beam-Pumping Installation
6.12 The Pump Dynagraph Card
6.13 Analysis of Problems in Rod-pumped Wells
6.14 Summary of Sucker Rod Pumping
7 Rodless Systems
7.1 Definition of Gas Lift
7.2 The Principles of Gas Lift
7.3 Determining Flow Rates Possible by Gas Lift
7.4 Gas Lift Valves and String Design
7.5 Analysis of Problems in Gas Lift Wells
7.6 Summary of Gas Lift
7.7 Introduction of Electric Submersible Centrifugal Pumps
7.8 Description of Electric Submersible Pumps
7.9 Sunmmry of Electrical Submersible Pumps
7.10 Introduction of Hydraulic Pumping-piston
7.11 Description of Hydraulic Pumps
7.12 Summary of Hydraulic Pumping (1)
7.13 Summary of Hydraulic Pumping (2)
7.14 Introduction of Jet Pumping
8 Reservoir Stimulation
8.1 Theories of Hydraulic Fracturing
8.2 Fracturing for Well Stimulation
8.3 Determination of Wells Applicable for Hydraulic Fracturing (1)
8.4 Determination of Wells Applicable for Hydraulic Fracturing (2)
8.5 Fracturing Fluid Properties
8.6 Embedment Pressure
8.7 Fracture Conductivity
8.8 Effect of Packed Fracture on Conductivity
8.9 Summary of Hydraulic Fracturing
8.10 Acids and Additives Used in Well Stimulation
8.11 Factors Controlling Acid Reaction Rate
9 Special Problems of Oil Well Production
9.1 Definition of Sand Control
9.2 Cause of Sand Production
9.3 Damages of Sand Production
9.4 Sand Control Mechanisms
9.5 Mechanical Methods of Sand Control
9.6 Plastic Consolidation Methods of Sand Control
9.7 Comparison of Sand Control Methods
9.8 Conventional Remedies
9.9 New Remedy
9.10 Water Source Selection
9.11 Oilfield Water Handling
9.12 Why Scales Form
9.13 Downhole Cleanout
9.14 Basic Cause of Formation Damage
练习参考答案 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10385.html 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10385.html