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  • 出版社: 中国石油大学出版社; 第1版 (2006年9月1日)
  • 外文书名:Practical English for Petroleum Drilling Engineering
  • 平装: 284页
  • 语种: 英语
  • 开本: 16
  • ISBN: 7563617078
  • 条形码: 9787563617074
  • 商品尺寸: 25.8 x 18.4 x 1.2 cm
  • 商品重量: 458 g
  • 李洪乾和赵金海等主编的《石油钻井实用英语》是一本石油钻井专业方面的英语实用教材。全书分三大部分:第一部分是精读,课文内容以钻井地质、钻头、钻机、钻井液、钻井工艺、打捞、完井等石油钻井工程的基本概念及基础理论为主;第二部分是泛读,课文内容侧重于石油钻井工程项目的招投标管理、钻井合同格式、HSE的介绍;第三部分是口语与听力,采用现场对话的方式,较为全面地介绍了钻井工程所涉及的相关内容。全书共75课,其中第一部分20课(10个单元),第二部分24课,第三部分31课。
  • 编辑推荐

    为方便读者,李洪乾和赵金海等主编的《石油钻井实用英语》的精读和口语部分每课后面都附有生词释义及相应的音标。另外,附录一附有石油钻井常用的英语词汇,附录二和附录三分别对目前国际知名的石油公司、钻井及完井服务公司的经营业务范围进行了简要介绍,并附有每个公司的联络方式。 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10377.html


    Part One Intensive Reading
    Unit 1 Characteristics of Reservoir Rock
    Passage A Porosity and Permeability
    Passage B Factors That Influence Porosity and Permeability
    Unit 2 Drilling Bits
    Passage A Diamond Bits
    Passage B Penetration Rate of Bit
    Unit 3 Drilling Rigs
    Passage A Site Preparation and Combination of Drilling String
    Passage B Rotary Rigs
    Unit 4 Drilling Fluids
    Passage A The Functions of Drilling Fluids
    Passage B Water-based Mud and Oil-based Mud
    Unit 5 Directional Drilling
    Passage A Hole Deviation Problems and Applications of Directional Drilling
    Passage B Directional Drilling Methods and Tools
    Unit 6 Horizontal Drilling
    Passage A Types of Horizontal Wells
    Passage B Applications of Horizontal Wells
    Unit 7 Cementing Operation
    Passage A What Is Cementing Operation?
    Passage B Cementing Equipment
    Unit 8 Well Control and Safety
    Passage A Flow of Formation Fluids
    Passage B Blowout Prevention
    Unit 9 Fishing Job
    Passage A What Is Fishing?
    Passage B Fishing Problems
    Unit 10 Well Completion
    Passage A Downhole Completion String
    Passage B Well Completion Methods and Well head
    Part Two Extensive Reading
    Lesson 1 Shengli Drilling Corporation
    Lesson 2 Drilling Contract Types
    Lesson 3 Contract Format and Management
    Lesson 4 Contract Negotiation
    Lesson 5 Contract Tendering
    Lesson 6 How to Manage a Land Drilling Project
    Lesson 7 How to Manage an Offshore Drilling Project
    Lesson 8 Bidding Procedure
    Lesson 9 Pre-qualification
    Lesson 10 Letter of Invitation and Instruction to Tenderers
    Lesson 11 Site Reconnaissance
    Lesson 12 Make a Decision for Bidding
    Lesson 13 Compile a Tender Package
    Lesson 14 Submit a Tender Package
    Lesson 15 Questions and Answers
    Lesson 16 Evaluation and Award
    Lesson 17 Prices and Rates
    Lesson 18 The General Requirement of HSE for Drilling Contractor
    Lesson 19 The Emergency Procedures of HSE for Drilling Contractor
    Lesson 20 The Fall Prevention Program of HSE for Drilling Contractor
    Lesson 21 The Fire Prevention and Control of HSE for Drilling Contractor
    Lesson 22 The Mast and Substructure Inspection Program of HSE for Drilling Contractor
    Lesson 23 Standard API Land Drilling Contract(1)
    Lesson 24 Standard API Land Drilling Contract(2)
    Part Three Oral Practice and Listening Comprehension
    Lesson 1 Offshore Drilling
    Lesson 2 Tour Change
    Lesson 3 Story of Blowout
    Lesson 4 Dummy Trip
    Lesson 5 No Entry Except to Authorized Personnel
    Lesson 6 No Smoking on Site
    Lesson 7 Difference among Water, Gas and Oil
    Lesson 8 How does Natural Gas Come from Crude Oil?
    Lesson 9 The Content of Natural Gas in Reservoir
    Lesson 10 Changing Bit
    Lesson 11 On Bottoms Up
    Lesson 12 On Fishing Job
    Lesson 13 BOP Equipment
    Lesson 14 Where to Drill a Well
    Lesson 15 Drilling Cuttings
    Lesson 16 Drilling Fluid
    Lesson 17 Drilling Equipment
    Lesson 18 Drilling String
    Lesson 19 Drilling Crew
    Lesson 20 Fire-fighting Equipment
    Lesson 21 Applying for a Job
    Lesson 22 Money and Dull Routine Work
    Lesson 23 At Exhibition
    Lesson 24 Talking about Drilling
    Lesson 25 Working on Drill Floor
    Lesson 26 Drilling Equipment and Rigging up
    Lesson 27 Making Up and Laying Down the Drill Stems
    Lesson 28 Engines and Power
    Lesson 29 Cementing Job
    Lesson 30 Mud Pump and Circulation
    Lesson 31 Tools
    Appendix One Vocabulary
    Appendix Two Major Oil Companies in the World
    Appendix Three Major Drilling-related Service Companies
    References 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10377.html 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10377.html


    • 本文由 石化书籍 发表于 2023年9月25日06:27:09
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    :?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
