- 出版社:石油工业出版社; 第1版 (2016年5月1日)
- 外文书名:The Overseas Operation of Oil and Gas
- 丛书名:石油科技英语系列教程
- 平装:219页
- 语种:简体中文, 英语
- 开本:16
- ISBN:9787518308057
- 条形码:9787518308057
- 商品尺寸:23.4 x 16.6 x 1 cm
- 商品重量:381 g
- 品牌:石油工业出版社
石油科技英语系列教程:海外油气运营》是讲述海外油气运营相关知识的英语学习教程,共5章,主要对油田开发、钻井技术、石油开采,提高采收率以及监控和评估技术的相关知识。《石油科技英语系列教程:海外油气运营》可作为石油相关专业的师生和石油系统员工学习、培训使用。 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
Chapter 1 Field Development文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
1.1 Reservoir Aspects and Development Strategy文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
1.2 Field Redevelopment文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
1.3 Nondamaging, Self—diverting Acid Stimulations Revive Oil Fields文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
Chapter 2 Drilling Technology文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
2.1 The Application of Rotary Closed — loop Drilling Technology文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
2.2 New Well Design Using Expandable Screen Reduces Rig Time and Improves Deep Water Oil Production文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10367.html
Chapter 3 Oil Recovery Techniques
3.1 Application of Gas Lift Technology to a High—Water—Cut Heavy—Oil Reservoir
3.2 Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery(MEOR)
3.3 Oil/Water Separation Experience from Large Oil Field
Chapter 4 Recovery Efficiency
4.1 Enhanced Oil Recovery
4.2 Low Cost IOR: An Update on Air Injection Project
4.3 Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Research
Chapter 5 Monitoring & Evaluation
5.1 Control and Monitoring Techniques of Miscible Gas Injection Project
5.2 Potential for Horizontal—well Technology in the U.S
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises
Seven different microbial subcommunities of highly motile, synergetic, and symbiotic microorganism consortia constitute the basic set of microbial products with biocracking functionality.A range of 15 to 25 strains usually integrates the blend structure to meet a specific application.
Peru currently is a net importer of crude oil, hence the importance of developing long — term cost — effective EOR strategies, In 2003, Peru produced 95,000 BOPD while consuming 163,000 B/D.Peru had estimated crude — oil reserves of 285 million bbl in January 2004.
The primary objective was to analyze the feasibility of biotechnology—driven methods to enhance recovery in two fields in the Talara basin.Two fields with important remaining oil reserves in the Basal Salina formation were selected.
On the basis of data obtained from wells drilled in the Lobitos offshorefield, it was inferred that all productive formations act as isolated reservoirs because the basic architecture is a system of faulted blocks where the hydrocarbons are trapped.Interbedded and overlaying marine shales are the primary reservoir seals.
The first task in designing an MEOR program is to evaluate how good the oil would be as a carbon substrate to provide nourishment for the microbial community, Seven oil samples from three formations were analyzed to determine the best combination of microbial products.The theological profile of the oils using seven different microbial products determined that a good combination for Basal Salina oils would be EOR — BAC 1 (20%) , EOR — BAC 2 (10%) , EOR —BAC 5 (20%) , and EOR —BAC 6 (50%).