《石油科技英语丛书:石油钻井英语》广泛参阅了国际最新石油科技杂志和专著,选材具有新颖性和实用性,语言技能训练根据学习者的专业需要而有所侧重,适用对象范围广,可供石油、石化科技工作者使用,也可供大专院校师生等做ESP教材或参考书使用,更值得作为资料情报馆藏。 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10363.html
1 Drilling Site Selection
1.1 Introduction to Drilling Site Selection
1.2 The Drilling Site
1.3 Finding Oil and Gas
1.4 Types of Petroleum Traps
1.5 Locating Petroleum Traps
1.6 Selecting the Drilling Site
1.7 Exploratory Drilling (1)
1.8 Exploratory Drilling (2)
1.9 Exploratory Drilling (3)
2 Rig Components
2.1 Power System
2.2 Mechanical Power Transmission
2.3 Electrical Power Transmission
2.4 The Drawworks and the Cat-heads
2.5 The Blocks and Drilling Line
2.6 Masts and Rotating Equipment
2.7 The Drill String
2.8 The Bit (1)
2.9 The Bit (2)
2.10 Jet Bit Nozzle Size Selection
2.11 Maximum Nozzle Velocity and Maximum Bit Hydraulic Horsepower
2.12 Drilling Fluids (1)
2.13 Drilling Fluids (2)
2.14 Drilling Fluids (3)
2.15 Mud Pumps and Conditioning Equipment (1)
2.16 Mud Pumps and Conditioning Equipment (2)
2.17 Circulating Equipment
2.18 Auxiliary Equipment
3 Drilling Operations
3.1 Preparing Site
3.2 Rigging up
3.3 Jobs on the Rig
3.4 Drilling the Surface Hole
3.5 Spudding-in
3.6 Tripping out
3.7 Running Surface Casing
3.8 Cementation
3.9 Tripping in
3.10 Running Intermediate Casing and Drilling to Final Depth
3.11 Well Logging and Well Completion
3.12 Setting Production Casing and Perforating
3.13 Installing Christmas Tree
4 Special Drilling Operations and Accident Maintenance
4.1 Introduction to Directional Well
4.2 Directional Drilling
4.3 Turbo-drill and Directional Drilling
4.4 Drilling Deep Well
4.5 Air Drilling
4.6 Fishing
4.7 Fishing Tools and Techniques (1)
4.8 Fishing Tools and Techniques (2)
5 Well Control
6 Well Logging and Testing
7 Advanced Drilling Technology
练习参考答案 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10363.html 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/tao/10363.html