Finally, a Solution for Cost Estimators Needing Accurate Cost Estimation Quickly!The QUE$TOR? Suite delivers the world's leading tool for capital cost estimates and operating cost estimates of new oil and gas projects.文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/software/economic/170.html

QUE$TOR provides estimators and managers in the oil and gas industry with文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/software/economic/170.html
* Cost estimating software being used by more than 500 users in 40 countries
* Both offshore cost and onshore cost versions
* Rapid and detailed capital cost, development schedule, and operating cost estimates
* Data supporting worldwide application文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/software/economic/170.html
The system includes sophisticated, technical-analysis modules for full development definition and planning and cost databases for all regions of the world. These combine to produce complete CAPEX and OPEX cost estimates.
QUE$TOR's structure enables rapid analysis of oil and gas projects from exploration to concept selection, and fieldplan development. QUE$TOR provides oil companies with a consistent, global platform for concept screening, concept optimisation, and cost control.文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/software/economic/170.html

文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/software/economic/170.html 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/software/economic/170.html
