1. 电气设计基础
2. 电气负荷表、分析和设备尺寸确定
3. 现有电气设备的适用性检查和报告准备
4. 单线图
5. 典型的保护、控制和计量图
6. 规范、体系结构布局、详细的I/O列表和接口需求等
7. 设备规范和数据表
8. 物料和主要设备的采购请购单
9. 技术评估报告
序号 | 英文 | 中文 |
1 | Electrical Design Basis | 电气设计基础 |
2 | Electrical load schedule, analysis and equipment sizing | 电气负荷表、分析和设备尺寸计算 |
3 | Adequacy Checks for existing electrical equipment and preparation of reports | 已建电气设备的适用性检查和报告准备 |
4 | Single line diagrams | 单线图 |
5 | Typical Protection, Control and Metering Diagrams | 典型的保护、控制和计量图 |
6 | Specification, Architecture Layouts, Detailed I/O Lists, and interface requirements for a supervisory system (IMCS) etc. | 规格书、体系结构布局、详细的I/O列表和接口需求等 |
7 | Equipment Specifications and data sheets shall include but not limited to the following | 设备规格书和数据表,包括但不限于以下内容 |
8 | Switchgear | 开关设备 |
9 | LV Distribution Boards | 低压配电板 |
10 | AC/DC UPS | 交流/直流不间断电源 |
11 | ENCS | 电气控制系统 |
12 | LV Cables | 低压电缆 |
13 | Emergency Diesel generator | 应急柴油发电机 |
14 | Electrical Bulk Material | 电气大宗料 |
15 | Electrical installation | 电气安装 |
16 | Data sheet for all above listed | 上述所有设备的数据表 |
17 | Material and purchase requisitions for main equipment and materials | 主要设备和材料的物料和采购请购单 |
18 | Technical Evaluation Reports & Tables | 技术评估报告和表格 |
19 | Equipment sizing calculations including but not limited to the following: Emergency generator sizing, AC/DC UPS sizing, earthing & lightning protection, indoor and outdoor lighting, cable sizing etc. | 设备尺寸确定计算,包括但不限于以下内容: 应急发电机尺寸确定、交流/直流不间断电源尺寸确定、接地和防雷保护、室内外照明、电缆尺寸确定等 |
20 | Equipment layout arrangement for electrical substations & cable cellar | 电气变电所和电缆地下室的设备布置 |
21 | Cables, lighting and earthing Overall and individual layouts | 电缆、照明和接地的整体和个别布置 |
22 | Building Lighting, Power, earthing and Lightning protection Layouts | 建筑照明、电力、接地和防雷保护布置 |
23 | Cable trench and road crossing sections showing location, width, depth and for each section | 电缆沟和槽盒穿越图 |
24 | LV Schematic, wiring, logic and interconnection diagrams | 低压原理图、布线图、逻辑图和互连图 |
25 | Installation details for Power, Earthing and Lighting systems | 电力、接地和照明系统的安装细节 |
26 | Control station schedules | 控制站表 |
27 | Electrical Cable schedule | 电缆表 |
28 | Electrical equipment schedule | 电气设备表 |
29 | Electrical junction box schedule | 电气接线盒表 |
30 | Cable Joints location Schedule | 电缆接头位置表 |
31 | List of tag plates and painting schedule for physical tagging | 标签牌和物理标记的涂漆表 |
32 | Legend and symbols | 图例和符号 |
33 | Material takeoff | 材料清单 |
34 | Vendor drawings and data of all equipment | 所有设备的供应商图纸和数据 |
35 | Vendor quality plans | 供应商质量计划 |
36 | Site Visit Reports | 现场访问报告 |
37 | Tie-in schedule | 连接计划 |
38 | Electrical Control & Protection Logic diagram | 电气控制和保护逻辑图 |
39 | Inspection and test procedures for FAT and IFAT of the main equipment | 主要设备的出厂验收测试和现场调试测试的检验和测试程序 |
40 | Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and SAT and ISAT procedure | 预投产、投产、系统验收测试和工厂验收测试程序 |
41 | Operation and maintenance manuals | 运行和维护手册 |
42 | Electrical Panel Layouts | 电气面板布局 |
43 | Electrical Schematic Wiring Diagrams | 电气原理图 |
44 | Electrical Interconnection Diagrams | 电气互连图 |
45 | Electrical Termination Diagrams | 电气终端图 |
46 | Distribution Board Schedules | 配电板表 |
47 | Bill Of Materials | 物料清单 |
48 | Hazardous Area Classification Drawings | 危险区域划分图 |
49 | Demolition and Change-over Procedure | 拆除和更换程序 |
50 | Procedure for any electrical facilities to be demolished rerouted and / or replaced | 拆除、改道和/或更换任何电气设施的程序 |
51 | Input to 3D Model | 3D模型输入 |
52 | Master Drawings and Databases | 主图和数据库 |
